Autor Tajana Šimić
Mentor Rozmari Tusić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Sandra Bošković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Rijeci Fakultet zdravstvenih studija (Katedra za zdravstvenu njegu) Rijeka
Datum i država obrane 2019-10-29, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Kliničke medicinske znanosti Sestrinstvo
Sažetak Ciljevi: Glavni cilj rada bio je ispitati odnos izmeĊu duţine dojenja i aktivnosti „Rodilišta - prijatelj djece“. Specifiĉni ciljevi rada su bili: ispitati povezanost duţine dojenja s poticanjem kontakta “koţa-na-koţu“, vremenom prvog podoja, obzirom na boravak majke s djetetom u prvih 24 sata, zadovoljstvom dobivenim informacijama u rodilištu, sociodemografskim obiljeţjima, naĉin dovršenja poroda i dohrane adaptiranog mlijeka u rodilištu. Dodatni ciljevi istraţivanja su ispitati povezanost duţine dojenja i pohaĊanja trudniĉkog teĉaja te pohaĊanje grupe za potporu dojenja.
Ispitanici i metode: U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 134 ispitanika. Ispitanici su bile ţene koje su dojile i imale djecu do treće godine starosti. Ispitivanje je provedeno na podruĉju Primorsko-goranske i Bjelovarsko-bilogorske ţupanije. Na podruĉju Bjelovarsko-bilogorske ţupanije sudjelovalo je 100 ispitanica, a na podruĉji Primorsko-goranske ţupanije 34 ispitanice. Kao instrument istraţivanja korišten je anketni upitnik. Prikupljeni podaci statistiĉki su obraĊeni uz pomoć statistiĉkog programa Statistica (Dell Inc, SAD). Za potrebe prikaza podataka korištene su osnovne deskriptivne mjere uĉestalosti, broj i postotak. Za potrebe ispitivanja odnosa i razlika izmeĊu varijabli na korištenom upitniku korišteni su hi kvadrat testovi uz Yatesovu korekciju u sluĉajevima kad je uĉestalost unutar ćelije bila manja od 5. Razina znaĉajnosti odreĊena je na p<0,005.
Rezultati: Rezultati provedene analize govore u prilog tome da duţina dojenja nije statistiĉki znaĉajno povezana s vremenom koje proteklo od poroda do kontakta „koţa-na-koţu“ i prvog podoja, boravkom majke i djeteta u sobi 24 sata nakon poroda, sudjelovanju majke na trudniĉkom teĉaju, vrsti poroda i zadovoljstvom informacijama o dojenju dobivenim u rodilištu. Majke koje nisu sudjelovale u grupi potpore dojenju statistiĉki su znaĉajno ĉešće dojile do 6 mjeseci (46%) u odnosu na majke koje su išle na grupu potpore (13%). Odnosno, majke koje su išle na teĉaj potpore dojenju duţe doje svoje dijete. Duţe od godinu dana najĉešće su dojena djeca koja nisu imala dohranu adaptiranim mlijekom u rodilištu (46%) u odnosu na djecu koja su ponekad dohranjivana (39%) i djecu koja su primala dohranu u rodilištu (19%). Gotovo polovica rodilja (48%) koje su dobile informaciju od medicinske sestre o vaţnosti dojenja u rodilištu doje 12 mjeseci dok rodilje koje imaju stav da je dojenje neophodno ujedno su ĉešće dojile duţe od godine dana u odnosu na druge rodilje.
Zaključak: U provedenom istraţivanju rezultati su pokazali da nije statistiĉki znaĉajna povezanost duţine dojenja s poticanjem „koţe-na-koţu“, vremenom prvog podaja, obzirom na boravak majke s djetetom u prvih 24 sata, socio-demografskim obiljeţjima, naĉinu dovršenja poroda, zadovoljstvom dobivenim informacijama u rodilištu i prisustvom teĉaju za trudnice. Statistiĉki znaĉajna je povezanost duţine dojenja s prisustvom na grupama za potporu dojenja, informacijama dobivenih u rodilištu od medicinskih sestara o vaţnosti dojenja, vlastitim stavom prema dojenju i nekorištenjem dohrane adaptiranim mlijekom u rodilištu.
Sažetak (engleski) Objectives: The main objective of the paper was to examine the relationship between breastfeeding duration and the activity of “Baby-Friendly“ Hospital. Specific objectives of the thesis were: to examine the relation between breastfeeding duration and skin-to-skin contact, the time of first feeding, mother's stay with the baby during the first 24 hours, the satisfaction of provided information at hospital, sociodemographic characteristics, type of delivery completion, and taking infant milk formula preparations at hospital. Additional survey objectives were to examine the relation between breastfeeding duration and pregnancy course attendance as well as attendance to a breastfeeding support group.
Data Subjects and Methods: A total of 134 data subjects participated the survey. Data subjects were women who were breastfeeding and had children under 3 years. The survey was conducted in two different regions: Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Bjelovar-Bilogora counties. In the Bjelovar-Bilogora County participated 100 data subjects, and in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County participated 34 dana subjects. A survey questionnaire was used as a research instrument. The data collected were statistically processed using the statistical program Statistica (Dell Inc, USA). Basic descriptive measures of frequency, number and percentage were used for data presentation purposes. For the purpose of examining the relations and differences between variables on the questionnaire used, hi-square tests were used with Yates correction in cases when the frequency within the cell was less than 5. The significance level was set at p <0.005.
Results: The results of the analysis show that the duration of breastfeeding is not statistically significantly related to the time elapsed from birth to skin-to-skin contact and first breastfeeding, stay of the mother and child in the same room 24 hours after birth, mother’s participation in the pregnancy course, type of delivery and satisfaction of information on breastfeeding provided at hospital. Mothers who did not participate in the breastfeeding support group were statistically significantly more likely to breastfeed for up to 6 months (46%) compared to mothers who were 45 participating to the breastfeeding support group (13%). That is, mothers who have been participating the breastfeeding support course - breastfeed their baby longer. For more than a year have been breastfeed infants who have not been taking any formula milk preparations at hospital (46%) compared to the infants who were taking formula milk preparations from time to time (39%) and children taking formula milk preparations at hospital (19%). Almost half of the mothers (48%) who got information from the nurse at hospital about the importance of breastfeeding – chose to breastfeed their infants for 12 months, while mothers with the attitude that breastfeeding is necessary, are also more likely to breastfeed for more than a year than other mothers.
Conclusion: The results of the survey showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between breastfeeding duration and skin-to-skin stimulation, the time of first breastfeeding, mother's stay with the baby within the first 24 hours, sociodemographic characteristics, way of delivery completion, satisfaction with the information provided at hospital and attendance to pregnant women courses. It is statistically significant that breastfeeding duration is related to the participating of breastfeeding support groups, information provided at hospital by nurses about the importance of breastfeeding, one's own attitude toward breastfeeding and not taking formula milk preparations at hospital.
Ključne riječi
„Rodilište-prijatelj djece“
grupe za potporu dojenja
dužina dojenja
Ključne riječi (engleski)
“Baby-Friendly“ Hospital
breastfeeding support groups
breastfeeding duration
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:816782
Studijski program Naziv: Sestrinstvo-menadžment u sestrinstvu Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (mag. med. techn.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Pristup korisnicima matične ustanove
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2019-12-12 11:45:36