Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utječe li prisustvo psa kao kućnog ljubimca na psihofizičku dobrobit, procijenjenu kvalitetu života te razinu tjelesne aktivnosti vlasnika pasa, kao i postoje li statistički značajne razlike na mjerenim varijablama između vlasnika pasa, osoba koje imaju drugog ljubimca i osoba koje uopće nemaju kućnog ljubimca. Također se ispitivao učinak osjećaja obveze za zdravljem psa na razinu tjelesne aktivnosti i zadovoljstva životom vlasnika.
U istraživanje je uključeno 236 ispitanika, oba spola, starosti 18 godina i više (srednja dob ispitanika je 40,08 god, a raspon 18-71 god) koji su posjetili jednu od veterinarskih ordinacija na području grada Rijeke sa svojim kućnim ljubimcem za vrijeme trajanja istraživanja. Ispitanici su odgovarali na niz pitanja iz anketnog upitnika posebno sastavljenog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pitanja u upitniku odnose se na samoprocjenu zadovoljstva životom ispitanika (PWI), količinu tjelesne aktivnosti (Baecke, IPEQ), procjenu subjektivnih zdravstvenih tegoba ispitanika (SHC), demografskih obilježja ispitanika, demografskih obilježja kućnog ljubimca (psa) te privrženosti životinji (LAPS).
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su vlasnici pasa tjelesno aktivniji u slobodno vrijeme od sudionika s drugim ljubimcima (p < 0,001) te sudionika bez ljubimaca (p < 0,001), aktivniji u sportskim aktivnostima (p < 0,001), kao i u ukupnoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti (p < 0,001), dok za tjelesnu aktivnost na poslu nisu pronađene značajne razlike. Na ljestvici subjektivnih zdravstvenih tegoba sudionici sa psima postižu značajno bolje rezultate od sudionika bez kućnih ljubimaca (p = 0,017). Osobe koje su u većoj mjeri privržene svom psu više vremena provode u šetnji (rs = 0.433, p < 0,001), a uočena je i povezanost osjećaja obaveze za zdravlje psa sa satima provedenim u šetnji psa (rs = .311, p < 0,001). Povezanost između privrženosti i vremena provedenog u šetnji nije različita za muškarce i žene (ΔF (1, 125) = 00,006, p = 0.936).
Istraživanje pokazuje da psi kao kućni ljubimci donose značajne dobrobiti na psihofizičko zdravlje svojih vlasnika, te da pružaju određeni način socijalne potpore koja potiče vlasnike pasa da češće i duže izlaze u šetnju od osoba koje nemaju psa kao kućnog ljubimca. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to determine whether the dog's presence as a pet affects the psychophysical well-being, the estimated quality of life and level of physical activity of dog owners, as well as whether there are statistically significant differences in measured variables between dog owners, people who have other pets and people who do not have a pet at all. The sense of obligation towards dogs health was also examined as a variable in the level of physical activity and life satisfaction of the dog owner. The study included a total of 236 respondents of both genders, ages 18 years and over (mean age of respondents was 400,08 years, and the range 18-71 years) who visited one of the veterinary clinics in the city of Rijeka with their pets for the duration of the study. Respondents answered a series of questions from the questionnaire specifically drawn up for the implementation of this study. The questions in the questionnaire were related to the life satisfaction (PWI), self-assessment of physical activity (Baecke IPEQ), subjective health complaints respondents (SHC), demographic characteristics of the respondents, the demographic characteristics of a pet (dog) and attachment to the animal (LAPS).
The results kave shown that dog owners are significantly more physically active in their leisure time than participants with other animals (p <0,001) and participants without animals (p <0,001). They are also more active in sports activities (p <0,001), as well as in total physical activity (p <0,001). There were not found any significant differences in physical activity at work. On a scale of subjective health complaints, participants with dogs had significantly better results than participants without pets (p = 0,017). People who are more attached to their dog spend more time walking (rs = 0.433, p <0,001). Also, there was a connection in a sense of obligation to the health of a dog with hours spent walking the dog (rs = 0.311, p <0,001). There was also a correlation between sense of obligation to the health of a dog with hours spent walking the dog. The link between commitment and time spent walking was not different for men or women (Q factor (1, 125) = 00,006, p = 0.936).
Research shows that dogs bring benefits to the psychophysical health status of their owners. They provide them a certain aspect of social support which encourages the owners in more frequent and longer walks as opposed to people without dogs |