Abstract | UVOD: Kockanje je prisutno među ljudima od davnina, no danas u 21. stoljeću, uz veliku rasprostranjenost i laku dostupnosti postaje jedna od najvećih ne supstancijalnih ovisnosti. Legalizacijom kockanja i jakim promidžbenim marketingom te s time što je to postalo društveno prihvatljiva aktivnost ljudi lako i bez previše razmišljanja okušavaju svoju sreću u kocki, a zbog mogućnosti brze zarade i osjećaja adrenalina koji imaju tijekom samog kockanja mnogo njih razvija ovisnost i počinje se patološki kockati.
CILJ: Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati stav i učestalosti kockanja kod studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci. Specifični ciljevi istraživanja su utvrditi razliku između studenata koji kockaju i onih koji ne kockaju, utvrditi razliku o učestalosti kockanja ovisno o spolu studenta te prikazati mišljenja studenta o kockanju.
METODE: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 69 redovnih i 39 izvanrednih studenata 1., 2. i 3. godine preddiplomskog studija i 1. i 2. godine diplomskog studija uključujući osobe oba spola i starosti od 18. do 64. godine života. Za potrebe prikupljanja podataka koji su neophodni za istraživanje korišten je anketni upitnik napravljen u Google obrascima, posebno dizajniran za potrebe ovoga istraživanja. On je sačinjen od 18 pitanja, a prikupljanje podataka se je vršilo online putem Google obrasca. Prije pristupa anketnom upitniku ispitanici su dali svoj informirani pristanak.
REZULTATI: Među ispitanicima njih 31,5% (N=34) se trenutno kocka dok se 68,5% (N=74) trenutno ne kocka. Također kockanje je učestalije među muškom populacijom studenata gdje se od 29 ispitanika njih 16 kocka (55,2%) za razliku od ženskih ispitanica gdje se od 79 ispitanica samo 18 njih kocka (22,8%). Međuodnos ispitanika koji su se kockali i kladili unutar posljednjih godinu dana je 54,6% (N=59) onih koji jesu te 45,4% (N=49) onih koji nisu. Ispitanici najčešće kockaju u društvu radi samog društva ali i osjećaja uzbuđenja/zabave te potencijalne zarade koje mogu ostvarit, a najpopularnije igre na sreću su lutrijske igre kao što je Loto7, Bingo ili Eurojackpot te srećke na struganje ili otvaranje.
ZAKLJUČAK: Istraživanje je pokazalo da se većina studenata ne kocka i da je učestalost kockanja veća u muškoj populaciji nego u ženskoj te da su stavovi studenta prema kockanju primarno negativni. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Gambling has been present among people since ancient times, but today in the 21st century, with its wide spread and easy availability, it has become one of the biggest non-substance addictions. With the legalization of gambling and strong promotional marketing, and with the fact that it has become a socially acceptable activity, people try their luck in gambling easily and without thinking too much, and due to the possibility of quick earnings and the feeling of adrenaline that they have during gambling itself, many of them develop addiction and begin to gamble pathologically .
OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the research was to examine the attitude and frequency of gambling among students of the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka. The specific objectives of the research are to determine the difference between students who gamble and those who do not, to determine the difference in the frequency of gambling depending on the gender of the student and to present the student's opinions about gambling.
METHODS: 69 full-time and 39 part-time students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of undergraduate studies and in the 1st and 2nd year of graduate studies participated in the research, including people of both sexes and aged from 18 to 64 years of age. To collect the data needed for the research, a questionnaire survey was created in Google forms, specially adapted for the needs of this research. It consists of 18 questions, and the data was collected online via a Google form. Before accessing the questionnaire, the respondents gave their informed consent.
RESULTS: Among the respondents, 31,5% (N=34) are currently gambling, while 68,5% (N=74) are not currently gambling. Gambling is also more frequent among the male population of students, where 16 of the 29 respondents gamble (55,2%), in contrast to the female respondents, where only 18 of the 79 respondents gamble (22,8%). The ratio of respondents who have gambled and bet within the last year is 54,6% (N=59) of those who have and 45,4% (N=49) of those who have not. Respondents most often gamble in society for the sake of society itself, but also for the feeling of excitement/fun and the potential earnings they can make, and the most popular games of chance are lottery games such as Loto7, Bingo or Eurojackpot, and scratch or opening lottery tickets.
CONCLUSION: The research showed that the majority of students do not gamble and that the frequency of gambling is higher in the male population than in the female population, and that student attitudes towards gambling are primarily negative. |