Sažetak | Cistična fibroza je nasljedna autoimuna bolest koja nastaje poremećajem transmembranskog gena. Bolest je otkrivena 1938. godine i najčešće zahvaća bijelu rasu. Prvi simptomi mogu se pojaviti već u dojenačkoj dobi ili kasnije u adolescenciji i pubertetu. U Hrvatskoj od cistične fibroze boluje otprilike 150 osoba, te je kod nas još nedovoljno istražena bolest i postoje slučajevi gdje oboljeli umiru prije postavljanja dijagnoze. Najčešće je zahvaćen respiratorni, probavni i reproduktivni sustav, a najčešća klinička obilježja uključuju otežano disanje, česte upale pluća, slaniji znoj od zdravih osoba, probavne tegobe i sporiji rast u odnosu na ostalu, zdravu djecu. Dijagnoza se najčešće temelji na prepoznavanju simptoma i prilikom svake sumnje treba napravitilaboratorijske pretrage. Od metoda liječenja postoji mukolitička terapija, uzročno liječenje, te prehrana i dijetetsko liječenje zbog brojnih probavnih smetnji koji se javljaju zbog zahvaćenosti probavnih organa. Fizioterapija i rehabilitacija oboljelih imaju vrlo bitnu ulogu u pacijentovom životu. Dolaskom suvremenih fizioterapijskih postupka kvaliteta života bolesnika se značajno poboljšala. Rehabilitacija se sastoji od tehnika drenaže dišnih puteva uključujući u to aktivni ciklus vježbi disanja, posturalnu drenažu, pozitivni izdisajni tlak, autogene drenaže i asistirane autogene drenaže. Ostali dio rehabilitacije čini tjelesna aktivnost i vježbanje. Tjelesna aktivnost i vježbanje imaju pozitivan utjecaj na plućnu funkciju i psihofizičko zdravlje pojedinca. U provođenju rehabilitacije i fizioterapijskih postupaka fizioterapeut ima najbitniju ulogu i svojim znanjem i vještinama pomaže u ostvarivanju kvalitetnijeg života bolesnika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Cystic fibrosis is congenital autoimmune disease caused by a transmembrane gene disorder. It was discovered in 1938 and it mostly affects the white race. First symptoms may occur already in infancy, or later in adolescence and puberty. Approximately 150 people in Croatia suffer from cystic fibrosis, although it is still insufficiently explored disease and there are cases, where people die before the diagnosis has been made. Respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems are most commonly affected, whereas common clinical features include shortness of breath, frequent pneumonia, sweat saltier than in healthy people, digestive problems, and slower growth than in other children. Diagnosis is most commonly based on the recognition of symptoms, and in case of doubt, laboratory examinations should be carried out. Treatment consists of mucolytic therapy, causal treatment, nutrition and dietary treatment, because of a number of digestive problems caused by involvement of digestive organs. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation of people affected by cystic fibrosis play an essential role in the patient’s life. With the arrival of contemporary physiotherapy procedures, life quality of patients has been significantly improved. Rehabilitation consists of respiratory tract drainage techniques, including active breathing exercises, postural drainage, positive expiratory pressure, autogenic drainage, and assisted autogenic drainage. Remaining part of the rehabilitation includes physical activity and exercising. Physical activity and exercising have a positive impact on pulmonary function and psychophysical health of the individual. In rehabilitation and physiotherapy procedures, a physiotherapist plays the most important role and with his/her knowledge and skills helps to improve life quality of the patient. |